Meet the Nordic Super_Naturals

From Pine + Bilberry, to Chaga + Siberian Ginseng, we dive into the remarkable benefits of nature’s ancient adaptogens


In Earth’s northernmost forest ecosystems, conditions can be extreme. But the frozen winters, savage winds and lack of daylight also create pockets of preternaturally intelligent life – places where flora + fauna must adapt + evolve to not only survive but thrive.

The ability to adapt to such conditions – whether the extreme heat of the desert, or bitterest cold of the arctic circle – results in a unique type of plant: one that overcomes the stresses of its environment by developing its own biochemical mechanisms and make-up for protection, resilience, health and vitality.

These plants, which include ancient mushrooms such as lion’s mane and reishi, Ayurvedic herbs such as shatavari and ashwagandha, and traditional Nordic indigenous plants such as bilberry and chaga, are all adaptogenic in nature – meaning they have the remarkable ability to help our bodies adapt to stress, maintain or equilibrate metabolic functions, and restore balance throughout the systems of our body + mind.


The way in which plants learn to thrive in harshest conditions is also the inspiration behind Forest Spa Finland, and our purpose is to produce highest grade, natural products that armour skin and wellbeing with the ancient knowledge of adaptogenic intelligence + resilience. And it is the (r)evolutionary wisdom of nature’s most mysterious and magical plants that feeds into our proprietary supplements + skincare.

Adapted over centuries to withstand bitter winters and biting winds, yet nourished with crystal clear waters and unsullied, oxygen-rich air, the intelligent flora of the Nordic region is ripe with powerful antioxidants and remarkable adaptogens, used for centuries to boost health, longevity and natural beauty. At Forest Spa Finland, we responsibly harvest and harness these potent adaptogens, imprinted as they are with evergreen vitality, to deliver their unique restorative properties direct to the skin, body + mind.

Let’s explore Forest Spa Finland’s key Nordic Super_Naturals

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Native to Europe, Asia, and North America, Bilberry has been used medicinally for centuries. Extremely high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, including vitamin C and the potent antioxidant anthocyanin (which gives them their blue colour), they have been shown to counteract free radicals and reduce inflammation within the body, and in the skin. Studies on the efficacy of oral supplementation with bilberry recorded impressive results in skin firmness and overall health of the complexion of testers, including postmenopausal women1. Bilberries are also rich in the flavanol quercetin, which fights free radicals and mitigates allergic responses.


You won’t find water as the base of our Nordic Adaptogen Serum. Instead, we’ve boosted our formula with the natural sap from the revitalising Birch Tree, which is a rich, natural source of Vitamin C. Used for centuries as a vitality booster, the natural sap is anti-inflammatory, rich in myriad trace minerals and antioxidants, and wonderfully soothing and hydrating for skin. Recent studies also show promising results for the topical use of birch sap for skin brightening, which acts as a tyrosinase inhibitor. Common tyrosinase (TYR) inhibitors, such as kojic acid and hydroquinone, cause sensitivity reactions, and the latter also poses safety concerns. A 2023 study, however, found that white birch sap reduced both TYR activity and melanin content in the tested cells, with no visible irritation 2. 


Native to the Circumboreal region of the northern hemisphere, Chaga grows primarily on silver and white Birch trees. Able to survive and thrive in hot summers and frozen winters, this is the king of the adaptogen plant world and the key ingredient in our Nordic Adaptogen Supplement. Not only is chaga proven to have powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and prebiotic benefits, it also exhibits impressive medicinal qualities.

One study 3 found that cells pre-treated with chaga showed around 40 percent less oxidative damage from free radicals, while another showed that chaga mushrooms increase cytokines – the ‘communication’ proteins that help reduce inflammation, communicate with white blood cells, and regulate immune response.4

They are also immensely helpful when it comes to managing stress levels, as several studies have found that chaga is able to reduce oxidative stress on human DNA 5.


Ideal for sensitive, inflamed or acne-prone skin, our wild golden berries are handpicked in the wetlands of Finnish Lapland and are extremely rich in natural antioxidants. Whilst sour to taste, these natural skin calmers have been shown to soothe even the most compromised skins. They are rich in beta-carotene (which the body converts into vitamin A), Vitamin C and vitamin E, and studies have shown that they are also naturally antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. Cloudberry Seed Oil is also high in omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, proven to strengthen the skin barrier and improve elasticity, and ellagic acid, a potent antioxidant that has been shown to counteract free radicals, reduce inflammation and protect against premature ageing. 6


Pine has been used for centuries, as an immune-boosting remedy. Pine needle tea used to be enjoyed by sailors as the high vitamin C content helped ward off scurvy, while pine bark tea (a traditional remedy made by the indigenous people of North America) was also used to prevent scurvy, and speed wound-healing. Pine bark extract also possesses impressive anti-ageing properties – studies have shown that it boosts skin elasticity and the synthesis of natural hyaluronic acid by the skin 7, helping to slow the ageing process.


This remarkable adaptogen has numerous benefits, including its ability to support skin repair, boost firmness and improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles, through boosting collagen and elastin content 8 . Known to grow mainly in Arctic areas (it is also known as ‘arctic rose’) it is naturally high in antioxidants and flavonoids, and studies have shown that it has the ability to protect human skin fibroblasts from oxidative stress caused by UVA radiation 9 – thereby helping to prevent premature ageing.


The rich, bright orange oil from the buckthorn plant has been proven to help heal and reduce scarring from acne, and improve discolouration caused by environmental damage 10. Rich in omega acids 3, 6, 7 and 9, and natural vitamins A, E and C (at the concentration of 10 times that of an orange), it is a potent nourisher and supports skin repair, while the vibrant oil’s naturally high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce acne by regulating sebum levels and reducing inflammation 11.


Known for its vitalising and immune-boosting properties, this remarkable adaptogen (also called eleuthero) is high in active compounds that support the optimal functioning of the immune system, and has been used for centuries as a traditional remedy to prevent colds and flu, particularly in the North Eastern region of Russia known as Siberia (where the winters are bitterly cold, often falling below minus 15 degrees). It is also proven to have anti-fatigue properties – boosting energy without the subsequent slump associated with caffeine. It is anti-inflammatory, high in antioxidants including phenols and flavonoids 12 , and nutrients that provide environmental protection from free radicals. 


This powerful extract brims with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits and is harvested from the Northern European (Christmas) tree. Spruce knot possesses many stellar skin benefits including natural sebum-balancing benefits, andgentle, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that make it a great ally in the treatment and prevention of acne 13.

How do adaptogens work?


For a substance to be classed as an adaptogen it needs to possess the following properties, which were defined in 1957 by the Russian pharmacologist I. I. Brekhman.

1. It must be innocuous and cause minimal disorders in the physiological functions of an organism.

2. It must have a nonspecific action (i.e. it should increase resistance to adverse influences through a wide range of physical, chemical, and biochemical factors).

3. It usually has a normalizing action irrespective of the direction of the pathological state 14.

When you consider what the above really means, adaptogens start to sound a lot like magic!
Not only are they considered to be almost universally safe in their actions, but they will also be assimilated by the body with minimal disruption – going where they’re needed, delivering an overall effect rather than a localised or targeted one, and working to raise what’s too low, and lower what is too high.
So, when our body is exposed to external stressors, adaptogens help us adapt to that stress – supporting us to overcome it, bounce back or simply better cope, day after day, from a new baseline of improved resilience and wellbeing. This makes them potent preventative and curative natural remedies – improving our health, immunity, vitality + resilience, and mitigating the effects of busy, often-stressful, modern life.

Discover our daily adaptogenic immune-boosting supplement, and our skin-resilience boosting serum.

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Nordic Light Protective Moisturiser SPF20

Nordic Light Protective Moisturiser SPF20

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Nordic Adaptogen Serum
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Nordic Adaptogen Serum
Nordic Adaptogen Serum
Nordic Adaptogen Serum
Nordic Adaptogen Serum
Nordic Adaptogen Serum
Nordic Adaptogen Serum
Nordic Adaptogen Serum

Nordic Adaptogen Serum


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